Supply Chain Services  
GLS offers supply chain and logistics consultancy services to clients across all industry sectors including retail, FMCG, fashion, automotive, engineering and technology. Our experienced team develops supply chain and logistics solutions to fulfil every client’s specific requirements. We combine practical elements with highly analytical approaches in developing cost effective solutions. Our clients include small, medium, global corporations and start-ups .
Consultancy for Existing operations:
- Analyze information to develop unique supply chain and logistics solutions.
- Integration of warehouse management system
- Process improvement Evaluations and implementation
- Process preparations for international standards like ISO, HSE certification etc..
Turnkey solutions for start up operations:
- Warehouse Layout Designing /Specifications
- Material Handling equipment (MHE) evaluation and selection
- Warehouse Management System (WMS) evaluation and selection
- Selection of hardware for WMS like Radio Frequency terminals etc.
- Recruitments of Multi-national staff and training in procedures, systems, MHEs etc
We analyze and plan any situation before starting a job to make sure that what we deliver is exactly what client’s want. We communicate seamlessly to keep you informed about the progress. Your feedbacks are valuable in making required changes. We are recommended by our clients on the basis of perfection in our past endeavor and have received excellent customer Service rating and we go extra mile to make sure you are satisfied.
service FAQ’s
What destinations you offer services?
What payments types do you accept?
We accept all type of payment comes under govt law.
Whome shall i meet for support ?
Contact us +968 9599 2201.